


对于备考上外的同学而言,这本真题集是难得的复习资料哟~~ 以下是书后的参考答案节选(26)

一、翻译题(英译汉)(30分) The most common error is to assume that a literal translation into English will always be acceptable. This may well have been true of the translations from Latin and French in centuries past, but it cannot possibly apply today when so much modern literature depends on verbal effects which would lose their point if rendered literally (the puns, word plays, ironies etc): It was the best of times, it was the worst of times;it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness...This famous opening phrase of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens gives an excellent example of how one particular type of literary effect known as a “rhyme scheme can give an added appeal to a piece of writing”. Here we find four sentences using two rhyme schemes with repeated words at the end:best/times,worst/times,wisdom/foolishness.If these were translated literally into Chinese they would become as follows: It was the best period/period;it was the poorest of periods\periods; it was the time for understanding,time for not understanding……The effect produced in this case is completely lost through the omission of the repetition of certain words,which is what makes a good verse or prose poem what it is. It has even been stated that such devices are essential to any successful poetry because without them rhythm becomes monotonous and uninteresting. In order to reproduce the intended effect in translation one must try to preserve the structure of the original sentence—that is, its internal rhymes—while retaining some other form of interest. One possible solution might perhaps look like this,keeping in mind however that it should be used only sparingly since there are no hard-and-fast rules concerning the use of rhyme patterns: 当时时势好(可)恶;当时时势好(可)佳…… 时世(有)智(知),时世(无)智(之)!

A further example comes from another book written by Charles Dickens: Great Expectations, in which he uses the device called “assonance” very effectively to emphasize the feeling of melancholy expressed therein: “He walked slowly down towards the sea, thinking deeply all the while;so deep that sometimes his face wore a far away expression which made


我是2019年上的上外在英语语言文学专业,我的备考过程如下: 一共有两次考试 初试和复试,第一次是三月份,第二次是五月份;


②5月的复试在6月份开始,主要是对你的专业课进行问答(我抽到的问题是我如何看待人工智能对语言的冲击和影响,还有语言服务行业的发展方向等类似问题),还有一些基本的问题像你是怎么想到要跨专业的?或者你对未来有什么规划之类的常规问题的提问,也有可能会涉及一些专业知识的问答比如语言学相关的理论或是词汇学相关的一些内容等等,时间大概是在20分钟左右吧,具体的不记得了,不过我觉得你还是要多看一些有关人工智能、数据挖掘、语料库方面的内容以及文学方面的论文,这样对你答题会有很大帮主! 最后祝你好运!加油吧! 以上是我的经验之谈仅供参考!
